Silverlight Download Mac Os

SilverLight es la alternativa propuesta por Microsoft a Adobe Flash. Se presenta en forma de complemento para los distintos navegadores web que permite la reproducción de contenidos elaborados mediante esta tecnología.
Desde el punto de vista técnico, SilverLight es una implementación multibuscador y multiplataforma del framework .NET que tiene como objetivo la creación de aplicaciones web interactivas y multimedia.
Desde el panel de opciones de SilverLight se pueden activar/desactivar las actualizaciones automáticas, la reproducción de contenido protegido con DRM e indicar las aplicaciones web que podrán almacenar información en el disco duro.


Silverlight not working in MacOSX High Sierra Our app company is implemented in Silverlight. The app was working correctly, however after upgrading to MacOSX High Sierra, if we try to import photos from the library we receive an exception. I' ve bought a Macbook pro not so long a go, it's running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1 but the Microsoft Silverlight plugin does not seem to work, I tried everything. Reinstalling, rebooting, installing Flip4mac. Install Silverlight 5 with Mac and Safari: 1. Using Safari, open a new browser window and go to You may already have an older version of Silverlight running on your computer. If this is the case, the Microsoft Silverlight site will tell you which installed version you are currently running. It will ask you to upgrade to the latest version, Silverlight 5. Therefore, it might be a good idea if we turn off the 'Resume' feature temporarily in order to install Silverlight. If you have a Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) or a higher version of Mac Operating Systems then go to the Mac OS's System Preference. Go to 'General' Tab within System Preferences.


Silverlight 5 For Mac Download

Para Mac OS X 10.4.8 o posterior. Los usuarios de Mac OS X equipados con chipset PPC deben descargar SilverLight 1.0